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HTML5 Tutorial

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HTML5 address element

The address element allows you to mark up contact information for the whole web page or for an article inside it as follows: »video

About address

Display & support address

Firefox iconChrome iconIE iconOpera iconSafari icon

Parents, children address

Attributes address


Syntax address

1<address> ... </address> »video

Attributes and Values address (comma separated)

<addressattribute="attribute_value(s)"> Video Examples
1. specific attributes
All Specific Attributes
2. global attributes
1.accesskey=keyboard key»img<address accesskey="h"> ... </address>
2.class=class name»html »img<address class="class_name"> ... </address>
3.contenteditable="",  , true, false »html<address contenteditable="true"> ... </address>
4.contextmenu=menu id value»html<address contextmenu="menu_id_value"> ... </address>
5.data-*= value -<address data-http-error="404"> ... </address>
6.dir=ltr, rtl, auto»html<address dir="ltr"> ... </address>
7.draggable= true,  , false»img<address draggable="false"> ... </address>
8.dropzone= copy, move, link, string:, file: -<address dropzone="copy"> ... </address>
9.hidden= "",  , hidden»html »img<address hidden="hidden"> ... </address>
10.id=id name»html »img<address id="unique_id_name"> ... </address>
11.itemid= URL --
12.itemprop= string »link »a-
13.itemref= string --
14.itemscope= "",  , itemscope--
15.itemtype= absolute URL --
16.lang=language code »html »head»title »img<address lang="en"> ... </address>
17.spellcheck="",  , true, false»html<address spellcheck="true"> ... </address>
18.style=CSS property:value»html »img<address style="color:red"> ... </address>
19.tabindex= integer »img<address tabindex="3"> ... </address>
20.title=text»html »link»style »abbr»dfn
»img »meter
<address title="html page"> ... </address>
21.translate="", yes, no»html »img<address translate="yes"> ... </address>
All Global Attributes
3. global event attributes
1.onclick=script» list<element onclick="script" > ...
2.ondblclick=script» list<element ondblclick="script" > ...
All Event Attributes

Video demonstration address element

HTML5 address element: mark up contact information

min video details
00:00 video tutorial: address element
00:05 address element allows you to mark up contact information for the whole page or for an article of that page
00:13 Examples of contact information:
00:13 1. contact information marked up with address element nested inside the footer of a section of an article element
00:21 2. contact information marked up with address element nested inside the footer of an article element
00:32 2. contact information marked up with address element nested inside the footer of the body element
00:43 usually the contact information (address) is part of the footer element (footer): address nested inside footer
00:53 but not necessary: address element can be placed straight on body element, or it can be nested inside elements other than footer or body;
- see the list of elements that accepts the address element as child here
01:01 contact information may also represent simply an email for contact
01:10 Applicability:
01:10 A) if the nearest ancestor of the address element is the body element and not the article element, then the contact information applies to the whole web page
01:25 B) if the nearest ancestor of the address element is the article element and not the body element, then the contact information applies to that article only
01:40 B) the same, another example: (article is the nearest ancestor of the address): the contact information applies to that article only
01:56 contact information for the first article in page
01:59 contact information for the second article in page; yes, address element accepts img element inside = a picture of the person who's contact information we're giving;
- see the list of elements that can be nested inside address element here
02:03 contact information for the whole web page

For more information about the address element, please see the specs: W3CWHATWG