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HTML5 Tutorial

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HTML5 tags utility

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HTML5 element Utility ⁄ Purpose Demo
!DOCTYPE = ensures standards compliant rendering video
a = allows you to create a hyperlink, a hypertext anchor, or represents simply a placeholder video
abbr = allows you to mark up an abbreviation or an acronym video
address = allows you to mark up contact information for the whole web page or for an article within it video
area = allows you to create areas on an image map; the areas can be hyperlinked video
article = allows you to mark up a section of content that can be independently distributable or reusable video
aside = allows you to 'put aside' (figuratively speaking) less relevant content from the relevant content video
audio = allows you to embed audio data
b = allows you to draw attention to a part of text video
base = allows you to set a base URL ((absolute) for all relative urls that don't precede it) AND a default browsing context video
bdi = allows you to isolate text from its surrounding content for bidirectional text formatting video
bdo = allows you to override the directionality of a text set by the Unicode BIDI algorithm video
blockquote = allows you to mark up a block quotation video
body = container: almost all html elements can be found inside it video
br = allows you to add a line break video
button = allows you to mark up a button
canvas = allows you to dynamically render images (graphics, graphs..)
caption = allows you to add a title to your table video
cite = allows you to mark up the title of a (creative) work video
code = allows you to mark up computer code video
col = represents a column inside a column group (colgroup) in a table video
colgroup = allows you to group one or more columns in a table video
data = allows you to mark up data in your HTML5 page video
datalist = allows you mark up a predefined set of options, suggested to the user video
dd = allows you to mark up the value, the description or the definition of a term or name, in a description list video
del = allows you to mark up removed (deleted) content video
details = its role is to hold details /additional information about something video
dfn = allows you to mark up a definition term video
dialog = allows you to mark up the part of an application that allows user interaction video
div = container: its role is simply to group flow content for styling purpose, interactivity purpose, or other purposes video
dl = allows you to mark up a description list organized in name-value pairs / associations or term-description groups video
dt = allows you to mark up a term or a name to which you can associate a value, a description, a definition video
em = allows you to emphasize text (stress emphasis) video
embed = allows you to embed an external application or interactive content
fieldset = allows you to group form controls (under a common name)
figcaption = allows you to add a caption / a legend to the content of a figure element video
figure = allows you to mark up an independent unit of flow content, (from the main flow of the document) video
footer = allows you to mark up a footer (the footer of your HTML5 document, or the footer of a section) video
form = allows you to group form-associated elements for server-submission/processing
h1..h6 = allows you to add headings to your document video
head = container for the following elements: meta, base, title, link, style, script, noscript, template video
header = allows you to mark up a header (the header of your HTML5 document or the header of a section) video
hgroup = allows you to group headings h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, group that represents the heading of a section video
hr = allows you to separate paragraphs with different thematic, by adding a horizontal line between them video
html = root element / main container video
i = allows you to mark up a different quality text (text in a different voice or mood) video
iframe = represents a nested browsing context (document in document), an inline frame video
img = allows you to embed non-interactive static or dynamic images into your HTML document video
input = allows you to mark up an input field
ins = allows you to mark up inserted content video
kbd = allows you to mark up user input video
keygen = a key pair generator control (for sending encrypted form data)
label = allows you to label a form control
legend = allows you to add a caption to the content of a fieldset element
li = allows you to add items to the lists (ordered, unordered) or to a menu video
link = allows you to link resources to your web page video
main = allows you to mark up the dominant /main content of an element video
map = serves rendering client-side image maps in your HTML document video
mark = allows you to mark /highlight relevant text (keywords, expressions, run of text, phrases) for reference purpose video
menu = allows you to create a toolbar menu or a popup menu containing commands video
menuitem = allows you to add a command to a popup menu video
meta = allows you to add metadata /pragma directives /character encoding to your HTML5 document video
meter = allows you to represent the result of a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge) video
nav = allows you to mark up a navigation section (blocks of navigation links like: navigation menus, site maps...) video
noscript = allows you to add fallback content for the script element
object = allows you to embed external content into your page (Flash, Java Applets, HTML pages ...)
ol = allows you to render an ordered list of items in your HTML document video
optgroup = allows you to group the options from a list of options under a common label video
option = allows you to mark up an option inside select or datalist elements video
output = allows you to mark up an output (the result: of a calculation/of a user action)
p = allows you to mark up paragraphs in your HTML document video
param = allows you to define parameters for plugins within object elements
pre = allows you to mark up preformatted text video
progress = allows you to represent, through a progress bar, the degree of progress of a task video
q = allows you to add an inline quotation (at intra-paragraph level) video
rp = allows you to mark up parentheses around the annotations of a ruby base text video
rt = allows you to mark up the ruby annotations of the base text marked up through ruby element video
ruby = allows you to mark up phrasing content for which you can provide ruby annotations (small annotations) video
s = allows you to mark up inaccurate or no longer relevant content video
samp = allows you to mark up a sample of computer output video
script = allows you to add scripts to page or link a script file to the page
section = allows you to mark up a section of content, part of a thematic group of content video
select = a control which allows you to select one or multiple options from a predefined set of options video
small = allows you to mark up a fine print (a small print) video
source = allows you to specify media resources for media elements
span = container: its role is simply to group phrasing content for styling purpose, interactivity purpose, or other purposes video
strong = allows you to mark up a span of text as being important video
style = allows you to add CSS rules in order to style your web page video
sub = allows you to add a subscript video
summary = allows you to specify the summary of the details of a details element video
sup = allows you to add a superscript video
table = allows you to render tables in your HTML document video
tbody = allows you to group rows of cells representing the body of the table video
td = allows you to add data cells to rows, in a table video
textarea = allows you to add a multiline plain text input control
tfoot = allows you to group rows of cells representing the footer of the table video
th = allows you to add header cells to rows, in a table video
thead = allows you to group rows of cells representing the header of the table video
time = allows you to mark up times/+dates in your HTML5 page video
title = allows you to set the title of your HTML5 document video
tr = allows you to add rows to a table video
track = allows you to add text tracks (caption, subtitles, meta, descriptions..) to media elements (audio, video)
u = allows you to mark up text offset from its surrounding content video
ul = allows you to render an unordered list of items in your HTML document video
var = allows you to mark up a variable video
video = allows you to embed video data
wbr = allows you to add a line break opportunity video
<!-- --> = allows you to comment your source code for various reasons video