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3. XAMPP: PHP website Test, Tutorial

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PHP website tested in XAMPP

PHP websites require a web server to be tested because PHP scripts are not executed in Browser but on the Server; therefore, you need XAMPP installed, and the Apache web server running.For example purpose, we will run 2 tests:

  1. test 1: the PHP website is tested straight in browser
  2. test 2: the PHP website is tested from server

Result: see the difference: on server the php code is executed; in browser it isn't; the display ⁄ functionality is not the same in the 2 cases

Video demonstration XAMPP: PHP website test

3. XAMPP PHP website Test, Tutorial

min video details
00:03 access localhost
00:06 open the browser
00:10 testing a Php website:
a) straight in browser (right side of the screen)
b) from the server (left side of the screen)
00:13 open the php folder
00:15 the php website contains: 1 index.php file, 2 png images, 1 css file, and a 'menu' folder grouping 4 php pages, one for each menu
00:24 BROWSER test:
00:24 test in browser: simply drag and drop the php folder containing the website and click the index.php file
00:29 NOT OK: the display of the php website is incomplete (home page text is missing) and we can't access menu's pages because the php code is not executed; php scripts are executed on server; php is server side scripting, php needs a server! That's why we installed XAMPP to be able to test php scripts (code)
00:39 SERVER test:
00:39 now we will test it from server:
Step1: add it to htdocs directory
Step2: access it from server (http://localhost..)
00:40 Step1: open htdocs directory by clicking the shortcut icon
If you want to know how to create a desktop shortcut icon to your htdocs directory, watch a video demo here
00:42 Step1: add your php website to htdocs directory
00:49 Step2: test your php website on server
00:51 the php website displays
00:59 Note: the display ⁄functionality of a php website is NOT identical on both sides; the php website needs a server to be tested because php is a server-side scripting language
01:02 - test from server: see the content corresponding to the home page
- test in browser: the content corresponding to the home page doesn't show
01:33 checking the page source code for both displays (left side -from server) vs (right side -in browser)
01:50 left side OK: the server executed the php code
right side NOT ok - the browser could not execute the php code and thus it displays in page source code
02:15 the menu1.html file and menu1.php files, both output the same content, now let's check their code
02:21 in .html file you need 30 lines while in
.php file all you need is one => that's one of the php advantages