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headers attribute: td headers, th headers

The headers attribute on the td, th elements:


3.headers=th_id_value<th headers="th_id_value"> ... <⁄th>
<th headers="th_id_value"> ... <⁄th>

Video demonstration headers attribute on td, th elements

HTML5 headers on td ⁄th Tutorial

min video details
00:05 video tutorial: td, th elements, headers attribute
00:06 headers attribute applied on td ⁄ th allows you to associate a cell (header cell, data cell) to one or multiple cells, thus creating a relationship which can be read out loud by sreen readers
00:16 this table has both td, th elements on which we will add the headers attribute
00:26 the table has 6 header cells: 6 th
00:35 2 header cells are spanning 2 columns: we can call them 'main' header cells: thA, thB
00:43 thA 1, thA 2 belongs to thA
thB 1, thB 2 belongs to thB
we can call these 'secondary' header cells
00:54 each secondary header cell has corresponding data cells: e.g. thA 1: A1, a1
01:03 we know (because we can the structure of the table) that A1 is associated to thA 1 which is associated to thA
01:10 but for those who can't see ⁄ read and rely on the screen reader, A1 is NOT associated to thA 1 which is NOT associated to thA UNLESS we manually associate it through headers attribute, creating a relationship screen readers can speak (can read it out loud: e.g. the header(s) will be read too when they reach to an associated cell)
01:18 first: let's associate thA 1 to thA
01:28 adding headers attribute to thA 1
01:33 the value of the headers attribute on thA 1 is the value of the id attribute from thA
01:44 thA 1 has been associated to thA through headers attribute
01:47 let's associate thA 2 to thA
01:54 thA 2 has been associated to thA
01:59 the same, we will associate thB 1 and thB 2 to thB
02:25 thB 1 and thB 2 have been associated to thB
02:29 moving to data cells: td
02:32 second: let's associate A1 to thA and thA 1
adding headers to A1
02:44 the value of the headers attribute on A1 is the value of the id attribute from thA, followed by the value of the id attribute from thA 1, separated by space
03:08 A1 has been associated to thA and thA 1
03:08 note: this association does not display in browser; it's for screen readers only
td intro td optional, occurrences td browser display td parents - children td syntaxtd, th, colspan, rowspan attributes
th intro th optional, occurrences th browser display th parents - children th syntax